Peter was born with lower-arm impairment. He started his sports career as a swimmer at the age of 6 for health reasons but started to enter competitions soon. in 2007. he turned to paratriathlon which was also a new challenge for him. His first paratriathlon race was the ITU World Championship in Hamburg in 2007 where he finished 4th in his category (Tri4). Now he is 4 times European and 2 times World Champion. He attended the Rio Paralympic Games in 2016 and finished 9th place.
He worked as a social worker at Drog Ambulance in Szeged, and as a PE teacher in a special needs school with mentally disabled children in Kecskemét. Now he is a goodwill embassador at Auchan Hungary, where he helps disabled people finding job and attends protokoll events with the management.