Friday August 18, 2023
09:15 - 10:00 // Para triathlon Swim Familiarization
10:15 - 10:45 // PTS-PTVI Bike / PTWC Run Familiarization
10:45 - 11:15 // PTS-PTVI Run / PTWC Bike Familiarization
11:15 - 12:00 // PTWC handcycle & race w/c check (equipment will be stored at the venue)
Saturday August 19, 2023
06:15 - 07:40 // Athletes’ lounge check in
06:40 - 07:40 // Transition zone check in
06:40 - 07:30 // Bike & Run courses warm up
07:00 - 07:40 // Swim course warm up
07:40 - 09:00 // PTWC Warm up in Transition (no equipment movements)
07:45 // PTS5M / PTVI Athletes’ presentation
08:00:00 // Start PTS5-M
08:05:00 // Start PTVI1-M
08:07:41 // Start PTVI2/3-M
08:09:00 // Start PTVI1-W
08:12:11 // Start PTVI2/3-W
08:13 // PTS Athletes’ presentation
08:20:00 // Start PTS5-W
08:21:00 // Start PTS2/3/4-W
08:30:00 // Start PTS4-M
08:31:00 // Start PTS2/3-M
08:45 - 9:05 // PTWC Swim warm up
09:10 // PTWC Athletes’ presentation
09:20:00 // Start PTWC1-M
09:23:00 // Start PTWC2-M
09:25:00 // Start PTWC1-W
09:28:38 // Start PTWC2-W
11:00 // Para triathlon Awards ceremonies
Athlete Briefing
Thursday August 17, 2023
18:00 18:30 Para athletes’ pre race briefing
18:30 19:00 Para athletes’ race package distribution