Race Schedule
Saturday 20th April 2019:
3:30PM (1530 Hrs) Briefing & Race Kit pickup at Barbados Olympic Centre, Garfiled Sobers Sports Complex
Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados
Sunday 21st April 2019:
5:30am Athlete Lounge open and Equipment Check (Female)
7:15 am Athlete Lounge open and Equipment Check (Male)
Transition open
6:00am – 6:45am Swim Warm-up (Female)
6:45 am - Transition closed
7:00am - Female Sprint Start
7:45am – 8:30am Swim Warm-up (Male)
8:45am - Transition open
8:30am - Transition closed
8:45am - Male Sprint Start
10:30am Awards ceremony at the race venue
TBD After party
Monday 22nd April 2019
8:00 am – 3:00 pm Island tour including lunch, this will be subsidized by the LOC. Tour operated by Williams Tours for an approximate cost of US $75 (before subsidy).
Athlete Briefing
Race Briefing
Venue: Barbados Olympic Centre, Garfiled Sobers Sports Complex
Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados
Date: Saturday 20th April 2019
Start time: 3:30pm (1530 Hrs)
Uniform checks will be conducted prior to the briefing.
Transportation will not be provided.
NB: There are NO credit card facilities at the Briefing site. Please pay in US$ cash.
Race Fee: USD $125.00 Prize Purse : USD $10,000